Friday, December 2, 2011

What are these shooting pains in my lower area?

I've been having these shooting pains in my um lower region for about ten minutes now. It's not PMS, it feels like it's in my actual vagina. The pain is so sharp it takes my breath away. What could this be?|||It might be gas,

drink a cup of chamomile or mint tea with lots and lots of

sugar or honey...

and chew some dry coriander seeds if you have any..|||nothing .... sometimes we usually feel pain everywhere in parts of our body.... dont take it so seriously unless the pain is there for a long time and it really bothers you already ... then you might want to see the doctor....|||Periods due? Ovulating? If it is around your hip area it could be an appendicitis, which means you must get to hospital immediately. Leave it for a while. Take some pain killers and if it doesnt go away soon seek help from a doctor.

Good luck

Lily x

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