Friday, December 2, 2011

Why do I get shooting pain in my finger?

Every once in a while, I'll lift a finger to point (or whatever I happen to do with my finger) and I'll suddenly get a sharp shooting pain running down my finger. And then, I can't straighten my finger or it'll happen again. This happens completely at random, and it's not always the same finger. Sometimes, It'll be months before it happens again, while other times it's only days. And as random as the start, it randomly ends. Sometimes it'll take minutes to go away, other times days. I've even had to tape down my finger so I couldn't straighten it. What's going on?|||Well this sounds serious. I would consider getting a massage on the arm and shoulder its happening to. all muscles are connected so a massage might help. if that doesn't work for you try a m.r.i

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