Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Does anyone have a good way to get rid of rabbit without shooting them?

We live in town, so shooting them is not an option. These darn rabbits are eating my shrubs, taking a bite of every strawberry on my plants, and just being a general nuisance. I am not averse to actually killing them, but I just can't shoot them in town. Is there a poison or deterrent that works?|||I am at war with the bunnies in my yard. I've tried cayene peper, coffee cans filled with ammonia soaked rags, biodefend and now am using a product called liquid fence that is urine based, smells like a predator to them. It is non-toxic to humans and wildlife, and you spray it around a perimeter where you don't want them eating everything to the ground. I found it at our local Ace hardware store. Last night I saw mother of all rabbits on the other side of the fence looking like she was at the all you could eat buffet, but it was closed and she didn't cross my liquid fence line.|||get a trap from animal control. when they are caught, relocate them. simple as that.|||Scatter moth balls all around the area that you want to keep the rabbits from. Add more as water melts them away. Worked like a charm for me.|||Just put a chicken wire fence around your strawberry's, if the rabbits or any animal is hungry enough those scent deterrents won't work|||use rat poison or a pesticide on your plants and it'll get em sick or kill em|||You could use a bow and least its discreet.|||Live trapping them is not difficult, just drive them far far away.|||Whatever you do, DO NOT POISON THEM! This will affect scavengers and predators (including hawks and owls) higher up the food chain. The environmental repercussions are not worth your strawberries. In order of most desirable to least desirable are:

1. fencing

2. predator urine, or just diluted ammonia or urea on the boundary of your garden, applied frequently. Don't apply on your food plants.

3. get a large aggressive dog

4. live trapping and relocation

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