Hi, just wanted some opions on trap shooting guns for sport. I figure a shoot gun but which type? Over under, double barrel, semi auto or pump? Please let me know which works best for you?|||The best shotgun is one that matches one's shooting experience, objectives and budget. The best shotgun for one shooter might not be the best for another.
Here are some suggestions:
1. If you want to impress the guys and girls with how much money you have, but dont expect to hunt or shoot much. Then, an over under Fabbri, Purdey or Holland and Holland could be your ticket. They start at around $100,000.
Another way of achieving this goal is to buy a cheaper, Perazzi, Beretta or Browning over and under and getting it embellished with gold and jewel inlays as well as some engraving and highly figured walnut stock and forend.
2. If you are interested in becoming a great competitive shooter who needs a reliable gun that will shoot thousands of rounds and will not wear out, then the over under Perazzi mx8, Kreighoff k-80, Beretta 682/ DT-10 or the Browning sporter would be the way to go. The side by sides are lighter and tend to kick a little more than over unders in my opinion. With over unders you have the ability to shoot sub gague events with tubes that you cant with automatics or pump guns. some top sporting clays shooters do shoot automatics, but they are know to maintain 5 or 6 identical automatics as back up guns. A good competitive over under shotgun will cost you between $2500 to $10,000. Becoming a good shooter btw will also cost you about $2000 a month in clays and ammo. for about 3 years. You will have to practice shooting about 100 shells a day about 2 to 3 times a week. For skeet buy a gun with barrels between 27-30 inches long. For sporting and trap 30 -34 inches long. For trap it is beneficial to buy a gun with a high ventilated side rib and a high comb. You can usually take the sporting and skeet guns into the field for hunting, if you choose.
3. Finally, if all you want is to be a good solitary hunter, who starts practcing a few weeks before hunting season, and puts his gun up after hunting season, then I think a rugged, Remington 870 pump is best. Although, the Benelli automatics are very reliable too.
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