Thursday, November 24, 2011

What's the advantage of shooting a gun out of a car while holding it sideways?

I know this sounds like a stupid questions, but seriously. There has to be a reason why the "gangstas" shoot guns this way. We all know they use massive jam-o-matics such as Tec-9s, Cobray MAC-10s, and Hi-Points.

Is it because holding it sideways in a moving car will allow a more reliable feed from such crappy guns? Do they shoot in that manner because of the inaccuracy of those guns? Do they custom gunsmith their weapons (unlike the movies) to put the sights on the side of the slides? Does it give an advantage in point shooting?

It's a question that has baffled me for years, as I've always shot firearms that are reliable with proper technique while both feet are on the ground.

Another thing, in the movie "Behind Enemy Lines" I saw in one of the scenes where the soldiers shoot the civilians in the bombed-out store that one of the soldiers holds his AK-47 sideways, with the stock against his shoulder. Is there any advantage in using this technique?|||And when was shooting re-invented? There is a reason for holding a gun the way it was designed to be held. There is no room for theatrics in a serious shooting scenario. Your life depends on it. I am talking about a little thing called: Recoil.

There is no advantage ever to holding and shooting a gun 'gansta' style. It doesn't even look cool. It looks and is stupid. If the gun is a caliber that has any significant amount of recoil it is REALLY stupid. The shooter will have even more trouble holding on to his gun during recoil not to say anything about follow-up shots which is the real reason to not hold a gun 'gansta' style.

Really, when I see someone holding a gun 'gangsta' style I know that he/she doesn't know what they are doing. In fact, except for point-blank shots they won't hit anything except by accident and THAT is what makes them... Bad.

But you know what? LET those fools continue holding their guns 'gansta' style and keep right on telling them that they look 'Sooo cool!' That'll give the real pistolero the advantage in a true life confrontation.




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|||I asked that question to one of my friends a while ago. He told me that it was because when using firearms for this type of stupid actions back in the day, they had the least expensive ones they could find. During rapid firing the magazine would fall out of the bottom of the weapon. They then tilted it on its side, the magazine would not fall out of the weapon gravity would hold it in the grip. After a while I believe it probably became second nature and looked cool to have it on its side. Now all the idiots do it. Monkey see monkey do!!!|||GUYS......

Please allow them to continue shooting this way and do not provide them with the information to become better shooters.

I, for one, personally like the idea that if one of those bejunkas wants to shoot at me, then by all means let him do it sideways!!!!

Whilst he is firing his first 10 shots with the gat to get warmed up I will be firing my 3 taking out him, his "blood" and the "hoopty".|||They don't know that those pointy things on the top are sights.........|||The only reason that someone shoots from a moving car is cowardice. I dread the day when gangbangers actually learn to shoot.....wait, no, that would be good. Innocent bystander deaths would drop and so would the gangbanger populations, hopefully to extinction.

Some director in Hollywood told an actor to hold it that way and since then it's become standard. These movie people employ gun wranglers, who are usually firearm experts, but it seems they never consult their own experts when making actors do stupid things with firearms.

Some friends and I actually tested the "90 degree counterclockwise" hold on a number of semi-autos to see if it didn't actually increase the jam probability.

Of course, you cannot aim worth a damn with your sights and barrel turned a quarter way around. That's the first thing we determined. Next, most of the powerful semi-auto pistols and rifles had no issues. It's when you got down to the blowback operated .380s, .32s and .22 that stuff starts jamming. If you understand how blowback guns operate and eject, this makes a lot of sense.|||The only explaination even given that I paid any attention to( and it doesnt mean it's true) is as follows:

When throwing a fisted punch, the hand will end up in this position. If your target is very close, the act is similar to throwing a punch. If the target is that close, it is faster to " punch shoot". I can see this just a little,

However, the only way I would ever shoot , even when close, is with the gun in the correct, upright position.

Fast and close shooting would still be the same with me since I was trained that way except I might fire from the waist if real close.

Mostly BS theatrics. How many times have you seen a man blown back 20 feet from a shotgun or rifle hit? That never happens in real life. I have seen people "fall into" a hit but it isnt possible from a physics standpoint to be blown back 20 feet from a hit. More movie BS.|||They hold it sideways because thats how it comes in the box.|||there is no advantage to holding it sideways. gangastas do this simply to look cool.|||Having seen this done in movies and on tv my curiosity was piqued; so I went to the my range beside my shop/garage and actually fired a pistol sideways with the following results. Found it almost impossible to hit what I wanted to hit; got a kink in my neck that bugged me for a week; and burned my leg with a hot casing that fell into the top of my boot. Other than looking cool on camera I can find no really useful purpose for this type of whatever you would call it.|||that way you don't go to jail for murder.because you wont

hit the person you are pointing at|||That is why so many innocent bystanders are killed during drive by shootings. Unless you are an expert trick shooter, there is NO way to accurately fire a weapon this way. They do it in the movies to look cool. That's it.

Just out of curiosity, I fired a GLOCK 22 .40 s%26amp;w sideways and I can tell you from experience--it does not work. Hollywood isn't exactly know for promoting responsible shooting.|||This also has baffled me for years as well,The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is maybee so they can find there brass easier.What else could it possibly be I also think it is stupid people who don't know any better maybee they think it makes them look cool infront of other stupid people.|||Gangbangers turn their handguns to the side because they are stupid, ignorant a$$holes who don't know how to use the sights, and have no knowledge of trigger control or accuracy.

Most ot those crapheads would have trouble hitting the windshield from inside the car. The only way they hit anyone at a range beyond powder burn range is a combination of blind dumb luck on their part, bad luck on the victim's part, and having four or five people sling a hundred or more rounds from a moving car, thereby saturating the air with bullets.

If I see some idiot pointing a gun at me, and turning it on the side, I'm gonna scare him half to death with a gigantic grin, and then finish the job with a properly handled revolver.

As for the AK-47 part of the question, there is some justification. When a full-automatic weapon is turned on its side like that, it causes the muzzle climb to be lateral rather than vertical and thus it sprays bullets over a widening arc. This is the ultimate spray and pray (i.e. spray an area with bullets and pray that one hits an intended target). It is also probably the reason gangbangers turn their weapons on their sides.

If you really want to learn point shooting, I suggest you find and diligently study a copy of the late Bill Jordan's NO SECOND PLACE WINNER. This is THE HANDBOOK on gunfighting. Be warned it is out of print, hugely popular, and not inexpensive. Expect to spend from $35.00 to $100.00 when you eventually find a copy. No, you can't have mine, even if it is dog-eared and held together with rubber bands. Turning the gun on its side is a definite hinderance to good point shootiing.

If you see an ad offering to put sights on the side of a pistol, it is a joke.

Doc|||No if anything it probably makes guns jam more not to mention its probably the second worst technique the worst being pointing the gun at your self|||someone in the movies decided that it looked cool to fire a gun sideways. That is not the way to aim and shoot a gun. It is not accurate. Only idiots would shoot that way. No one that has any training shoots that way.|||If it is held sideways, the natural motion from recoil will be that way, not upward. Tommy guns were very often fired that way in combat situations to keep the muzzle jump from causing the gun to shoot over the enemies heads.

In the movies: showing off ignorance.|||Pistols are designed to eject to the side, and load from the bottom, holding them sideways increases the risk of the gun jamming.

The only benefit is like another poster stated, is the quick "punch shooting" deployment.

The inaccuracy and jam risk far out weigh the benefits for any but the most inept shooters.

Of course that explains why gangbangers use the sideways method.|||the gangsta's are idiots who think they are bad. when u see someone shoot a gun like that they dont know what they are doing, and probably couldnt hit from 2 feet away. just to let you know i have tested this technique and i hit one out of 10 targets, then the proper way i hit all 10.|||Guys......I'm not one to post websites but in this case you have to read this article published from "Recoil Magazine" regarding Gangsta Shooting Techniques.. Covers the latest "trends" /_gangsta_trend_0902.html|||Just my ideas but

1- It's actually more aerodynamic (if in a moving car)

2- the spring that pushes the ammo doesnt have to work as hard. If its a large capacity clip thats a whole lotta lead to lift straight up. Its easier to push sideways and would allow for a faster and stronger push. I've never shot like that so I don't know if it would prevent jamming.|||if u are shooting forward out of a car, like at another car directly in front of u while its moving without shooting the windsheild shooting those "jam o matics" sideways is the only way 2 aim. but otherwise no reedeming qualities.|||The guns are held sideways because they are being held by idiots who don't know how to shoot guns.

Likewise, drive by shootings are only conducted by idiots who don't know how to shoot. The "jam-o-matics" are used to compensate for the lack of ability. You don't really need to have a good aim if you are spraying 50 bullets in a general area. The guns are held sideways in this situation simply because you can reach out of a window that is only partially down.

These are the very people who are responsible for all the stupid and ineffective gun control laws, not to mention the attempted raping of the 2nd Amendment.

It just goes to prove that guns don't kill people, morons with guns kill people.|||i don't think it gives them any advantage other than a faster getaway,,its not an easy feat to shoot out of a moving vehicle,,not that I've been on drive bys,,,mine are more of a,,,hunnie slow down there's a deer,,,to all you game wardens im just kidding ( mabe ) they don't shoot for accuracy just to gun down someone who they have a problem with and anyone who is unlucky enough to be around them|||It's a product of their environment, like the baggy pants they wear around their knees, instead of around their waist like normal humans, or wearing the gold in their teeth, or having a 500 dollar car with 3000 dollars worth of rims on it. I watched one of these vermin try to outrun a cop, he spent more time trying to hold his pants up than anything else, he got maybe a half block when he lost his grip on his pants, they fell down and tripped him, the cop didn't even tackle him, he just stood over him laughing about the idiots pants falling down.So lets all have a plate of fried chicken and wash it down with a 40 of malt liquer, hold our guns sideways and act like a clown, we can be cool too, ...........|||As the driver, you are on the left shooting out the left side with your right hand. Typically.

Sit in a chair, or try this in your car. First just reach across your body as if you were reaching out to touch something. For most people your hand will now be flat, horizontal.

Now reach your right arm across your body with your hand held as if you were using a pistol. Push it out a bit so you clear the car and get a sight picture. Feel all that tension along the outside of your arm?

Now turn it flat by rotating your hand counter clockwise. Feel the tension release slightly?

So, because it's an easier and more natural motion and likely to be what a person would revert to under stress.|||The only advantage I can think of is that the shells casings will fall straight to the ground. Other than that, no advatage at all. They don't know how to shoot a gun, so they do it that way.|||I HAVE NO IDEA BUT IT LOOKS COOLER

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